Many people might argue that completely avoiding distractions while behind the wheel is nearly impossible. And yet, driving is an all-encompassing task requiring a driver’s full attention. The slightest lapse in focus can leave room for errors that can quickly...
A Laser Focus On Client Goals
Motor Vehicle Accidents
What are the long-term psychological effects of car crashes?
Severe car crashes can lead to devastating physical injuries, but the psychological impact often lingers even longer. Understanding these long-term psychological effects is necessary for providing comprehensive support to victims. Post-traumatic stress disorder...
Understanding common types of distracted driving
Distracted driving remains a problem on roads, contributing to accidents and unsafe traffic conditions. As technology integrates more deeply into people's lives, distractions increase, pulling drivers' attention away from the road. Understanding the various forms of...
How cameras can help your personal injury case
In the aftermath of a car accident, obtaining clear evidence is necessary for gaining a full understanding of events. If you are pursuing a personal injury claim, this evidence can make all the difference in securing a fair settlement. Cameras play an important role...
3 ways for drivers to prove who was at fault for a crash
Motor vehicle collisions are a part of daily life in New York. Every day, there are typically at least a few collisions somewhere in or near the Bronx. Many of those crashes are relatively minor, possibly causing cosmetic damage to the vehicles involved. Some crashes,...
2 mistakes that can limit someone’s compensation after a wreck
Having a plan for what steps to take after a car crash is important. People often become discombobulated during the immediate aftermath of a collision and have a hard time thinking as rationally as they usually do. Those who have a clear plan in place already will...
The 2 most common causes of trucking accidents
Truckers provide a great service to the economy. Trucking is responsible for shipping 80% of all U.S. goods. Truckers practically live on the road while shipping many of the essential products you find in the store, such as food, raw materials and clothing, while also...
4 ways to prevent accidents around aggressive drivers
Many people are quick to anger, especially when there’s traffic and they’re in a hurry to go places. When this happens, people may become aggressive on the road. While in their mind this may speed traffic up, it only puts them and other drivers in danger of a motor...
Teen safety during fall driving
Your child may have just started learning to drive in the summer. They were able to learn the flow of traffic and avoid any dangers the road may have, but fall weather can bring in tons of new hazards your teen hasn’t experienced yet. Next time your teen goes for a...
What you risk by taking a settlement after a New York car crash
Car crashes have the potential to be financially devastating, which is one reason why New York mandates vehicle insurance coverage. Every driver has to have a policy on their vehicle to register with the state or legally drive on public roads. In the event of a crash,...