Medical Malpractice
When you place your trust in a doctor’s care, you expect that doctor to act in your best interest. You expect that doctor to be mindful, and not careless.
If you’ve been injured because of a health care provider’s negligence, the Law Office of Della Mura & Ciacci can help. As a part of an independent medical review, we can obtain your medical records and have them reviewed by a doctor or specialist. The doctor can help us determine whether or not malpractice has occurred.
If there is a possibility that malpractice has occurred, we can file a lawsuit on your behalf. You may have a right to collect monetary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
You do not have to put any money down, as we will work for you on a contingency basis. Please give us a call at 718-405-1500. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients. No recovery, No Fee.